Страница 55 - ГДЗ Английский язык 3 класс Учебник Быкова Н.И., Дули Д., Поспелова М.Д., Эванс В. Spotlight Часть 1

Авторы: Быкова Н.И., Дули Д., Поспелова М.Д., Эванс В.

Издательство: Просвещение

Тип: Учебник

Read and complete: I do. Yum!, I don’t. Yuk! (20 points) A: Do you like biscuits? B: 1) Yes, … A: Do you like milk? B: 2) No, … A: Do you like sausages? B: 3) No, … A: Do you like rice? B: 4) Yes, … Look, read and write the names in your notebook. (20 points) e.g. I like chicken and carrots. Frank 1. I like chicken and potatoes. 2. I like pasta and vegetables. 3. I like rice and sausages. 4. I like meat and potatoes. 5. I like pizza and salad. Now I can … 1. talk about food 2. order food 3. talk about likes and dislikes 4. write a note

Часть 1

Часть 2


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