Страница 47 - ГДЗ Английский язык 3 класс Учебник Быкова Н.И., Дули Д., Поспелова М.Д., Эванс В. Spotlight Часть 1

Авторы: Быкова Н.И., Дули Д., Поспелова М.Д., Эванс В.

Издательство: Просвещение

Тип: Учебник

Read and complete the shopping list for Karen. Karen, We’ve got some eggs, but we haven’t got any chicken. We’ve got some milk, but we haven’t got any ice cream. We’ve got some carrots and potatoes, but we need some apples and some bananas. David Shopping List chicken Portfolio: Now write a note for your mother. What’s in your lunch box? Choose 3 things and draw. Then talk with your friend. A: I’ve got some cheese. Have you got any cheese? B: Yes, I’ve got some cheese, too! / No, I haven’t got any cheese.

Часть 1

Часть 2


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