Страница 107 - ГДЗ Английский язык 8 класс Учебник Ваулина, Дули, Подоляко, Эванс Spotlight

Авторы: Ваулина Ю.Е., Дули Д., Подоляко О.Е., Эванс В.

Издательство: Просвещение

Тип: Учебник

Решение заданий 7, 8, 9, 10 со страницы 107 из учебника по английскому языку для 8 класса Ваулиной

7. Look at the addresses.

Which is a web address?

Which is an email address?

Use the key to read them to your partner.

8. Look at the graph carefully and answer the questions.

9. Imagine a day in your life without gadgets.

How will your day be different from a normal day?

What changes will you make?

How will these changes make you feel?

Tell your partner.

10. Project: What types of media do your classmates use to do their homework?

Carry out a survey.

Report your findings.



Song Sheets

Spotlight on Russia


( 94 оценка, среднее 4 из 5 )

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