Страница 56 - ГДЗ Английский язык 3 класс Test Booklet Spotlight Быкова, Поспелова, Дули, Эванс

Авторы: Быкова Н.И., Дули Д., Поспелова М.Д., Эванс В.

Издательство: Просвещение

Тип: Тесты

10. Look at the kangaroo. It _ a long tail! A. have got B. has got 11. George _ pizza. A. likes B. like 12. My baby brother has got two small _ . A. teeth B. tooth 13. Can a rabbit jump? Yes, _ . A. it can B. it can’t 14. _ are you? Eighteen. A. Who B. How old 15. What _ doing? Watching TV. A. you are B. are you 16. I don’t like _ . They are nasty! A. mice B. mouse 17. Can I have _ cake, please? A. any B. some 18. I _ like vegetables. Yuk! A. don’t B. doesn’t 19. I visit my grandma _ Sundays. A. on B. in 20. What do you do _ the afternoon? A. in B. on Read and choose. e.g. A: What’s this? B: a. A pencil case. b. My brother. 1. A: What’s your name? B: a. This is Fiona. b. I’m Killian. 2. A: Whose is this? B: a. It’s Danny’s. b. It’s Danny. 3. A: Where’s my shirt? B: a. On your bed. b. It is brown. 4. A: What are you doing, Laura? B: a. She’s driving a car. b. I’m playing with my toys. 5. A: What’s you favourite food? B: a. Sausages. Yum! b. Sausages. Yuk!


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